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Biblical use for prayer, consecration, healing and worship.

Our Anointing Oils are sacred because they are blended using Biblical oils and the Leading of Holy Spirit




We see in Scripture that when Jesus commissioned the disciples, He gave them instructions (Mark 6:7-13).  Once they were on their assignments, one of the things that is described in scripture is anointing those that were sick with oil (verse 13).  Here we have in scripture a description of the disciples of Jesus at work in the ministry, anointing the sick with oil. In James 5:14 asks, “Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord”: Further, verse 15 tells us that the “prayer of faith” will cause the Lord to heal the sick.  


Anointing Oil for Medicinal Purposes

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, we find that “oil and wine” was poured onto the injured man (Luke 10:30-37).  The oil was used as a skin conditioner.  Many times, Priests in the Temple would add herbs with healing properties into the olive oil and vigorously massage the oil onto the person.  Presently, we dab the oil onto foreheads being careful not to soil clothing or carpets.  But, the First Century church did not use the oil sparingly–you were practically bathed in it.  This is why we lay hands upon the people.  This is the best way to apply the oil.


Anointing Oil for Sacramental Purposes

Anointing people or things with oil was regarded as a sign of being set apart for service or holy unto God.  When Aaron and his sons were consecrated as Temple Priests, they had the oil applied upon them (Exodus 28:14).  The prophet Samuel was instructed to “fill thine horn with oil” (1 Sam. 16:1).  He was headed to Jesse’s house to anoint a then unknown to anyone King…. David.  When He identified the King that God had chosen amongst his many brethren, the Lord said, “Arise, anoint him, for this is he” (1 Sam. 16:13). Exodus 30:30 tells us that Aaron and his sons were anointed to be consecrated unto the Lord.


The sacramental use of the anointing oil symbolizes something being set apart for the special attention and special service to God.  Hence, impartations, ordinations and activations involve the oil being applied to being launched into ministry.


The Power of the Anointing Oil

And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing (oil). Isaiah 10:27


This is the purpose and the power behind the order of anointing oil and the laying on of hands. It’s relevance today is as powerful as it was in the bible.

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